Course accreditation application

For professional development units

As part of the requirements prescribed by Bill 188 with respect to the professional development of F.Pl.s, any person, institution, or entity wishing to obtain accreditation for an SFPA, SC, or SC-FP training course must submit to the Institute an application for accreditation of a professional development course.

Accreditation for individuals

Email the following documents to

Courses will be accepted or refused for accreditation within 30 days of receipt of the application. A $150 processing fee (plus tax, subject to change without notice) will be due upon the Institute’s receipt of all required documents.

To find out more about the procedure and analysis criteria, please consult Accreditation procedure for individuals.

Accreditation for businesses

Businesses can either seek accreditation for each activity they offer or obtain professional development provider status.

Application for recognition of a professional development activity

To be accredited, a professional development activity must build skills and competencies related to financial planning areas of focus.

Email the following documents to

A $285 processing fee, plus a $250 fee for the issuance of one to six continuing education units (PDUs) will be charged. One professional development unit corresponds to one hour of training. Each additional PDU allocated costs $80. Prices are before tax and subject to change without notice.

To find out more about the procedure, documents required, and eligibility criteria, consult the Professional development activity recognition procedure.

Recognition as a professional development provider

Recognized providers receive blanket accreditation for all of the training activities their business offers.

To obtain recognized provider status, your company must meet the following requirements:

  1. Be a public or self-regulating organization, professional order, or association dedicated to advancing and sharing its members’ knowledge, as well as improving their skills in a financial planning area of focus
  2. Have, in the five years preceding the application for recognition, provided training activities recognized by the Institute and complied, where applicable, with the Institute’s decisions concerning accreditation of its training activities as set out in section III of the Regulation
  3. Commit to providing training activities, a pedagogical framework for these activities, and teaching materials that develop the skills and competencies set out in article 16 of the Regulation
  4. Commit to ensuring that your instructors’ training or professional experience is related to the training activities offered
  5. Have applied for provider recognition in accordance with article 15.2 of the Regulation

To apply for professional development provider status, email the Application for recognition of professional development provider status to