Election for the Board of Directors

In 2024, the Institute must fill 5 positions on its Board of Directors

In this video message (in French), Richard Fahey, Chair of the Comité de développement de la relève des administrateurs et des administratrices and director representing the public on the Board of Directors, talks about the election process and the skills required in 2024.

Important dates for the 2024 election

  • June 5 to July 3: nomination period
  • August 6 to September 4: Election period
  • September 11 at the latest: announcement of results
  • September 18: Annual General Meeting

General information

The Institute's by-laws provide that the Board of Directors is made up of 10 directors elected from the membership, 3 directors representing the public, and a representative of FP Canada.

Board members are elected in accordance with the provisions of the Institute's by-laws, on a staggered-term basis.

The term of office is 2 years. The Board meets 4 times a year. Attendance allowances are granted, and travel and accommodation expenses are reimbursed. Directors are also covered by liability insurance.

Within 5 days of the close of voting, the results will be announced to the candidates and, subsequently, to the general membership by e-mail to all those eligible to vote. They will also be published on the Institute's website.

Any questions? Please write to us.

Process and dates for the 2024 election

Nomination period: June 5 to July 3, 2024

The election process for the Institute's Board of Directors will be launched with the election notice sent by e-mail to all financial planners on June 5, 2024. This election notice marks the start of the nomination period.

When submitting their candidacy, financial planners (F.Pl.s) wishing to become involved with the Institute will be asked to answer specific questions about their knowledge, skills and experience. This will enable the Board of Directors' Comité de développement de la relève des administrateurs et des administratrices to identify the candidates who best meet the needs identified, in order to promote sound governance and ensure a Board of Directors with complementary and diversified strengths.

Analysis of candidates: from July 4, 2024

The Comité de développement de la relève des administrateurs et des administratrices will review all applications received and identify the candidates whose profile best matches the qualities required to complement the skill set and ensure the diversity and effectiveness of the current Board of Directors. A member of the Comité de développement de la relève des administrateurs et des administratrices will contact each candidate to discuss his or her nomination. If the number of nominations exceeds the number of positions to be filled, an election will be held.

All candidates will be put forward for election with a positive, neutral or no recommendation in relation to the skills sought. The decision of the Comité de développement de la relève des administrateurs et des administratrices to recommend or not a candidate will be communicated to the candidates prior to the ballot.

A positive recommendation = The Committee considers that the candidate possesses the competencies required to complete the overall competency profile of the Board of Directors as a whole.

A neutral recommendation = The Committee considers that the candidate possesses interesting skills, but that they are not those required to complete the overall portrait of skills for all members of the Board of Directors.

No recommendation = The Committee considers that the candidate does not possess the skills required to complete the overall skills profile of the Board of Directors as a whole.

Election period: August 6 to September 4, 2024

Financial planners will receive notice of the election by e-mail on August 6, 2024, and will have just over 4 weeks to vote. Only persons authorized to use the F.Pl. title 60 days before the close of the ballot (i.e. as of July 6, 2024) may vote.

Candidates meeting the needs identified by the Comité de développement de la relève des administrateurs et des administratrices will be identified with a positive or neutral recommendation.

Announcement of election results: no later than September 11, 2024

Within 5 days of the close of polling, the results will be announced to the candidates, and then to the general membership by e-mail to all eligible voters. They will also be published on the Institute's website.

Annual General Meeting: September 18, 2024

The Institute's Annual General Meeting is scheduled for September 18, 2024, in person (at the Fairmont Tremblant) and by webcast.

Skills we're looking for in 2024

This year, the Institute is giving priority to candidates for the position of director who demonstrate competencies in the following 3 areas:

  • Relations with the financial planning community
  • Strategic vision
  • Digital transformation

Relations with the financial planning community

We're looking for directors with extensive networking and partnership experience. Their understanding of the various types of financial planning practices will enrich the Board's discussions, enabling it to make choices that will advance the practice for the greatest number of people.

Strategic vision

We're looking for directors who can anticipate future trends, set long-term objectives and identify the means to achieve them. This means being able to see the bigger business or competitive landscape, understand the forces at work within it, and use this understanding to steer the Institute towards a prosperous future.

Digital transformation

We're looking for directors who understand the opportunities and challenges of using digital technologies and implementing strategies to exploit them effectively. This can include selecting advanced technological systems, training staff in digital technologies, researching new online market opportunities, creating innovative digital business models, etc.

Background documents and references

Information document (in French)

Code de déontologie des administrateur(-trice)s 

References (in French)

Améliorez la gouvernance de votre OSBL : un guide pratique
Jean-Paul Gagné et Daniel Lapointe, Les Éditions Transcontinental

Conseil d’administration 101 (Un petit guide de la gouvernance)
Fédération de la jeunesse canadienne-française

Gouvernance en bref : Quels sont les rôles et les responsabilités du CA?
Collège des administrateurs de société - Université Laval

Le processus de recrutement de nouveaux administrateurs
Pôle de gestion des entreprises sociales- HEC